
Cyber Attack on India’s Leading Pharma Giant:
A Wake-Up Call for all Pharmas

India’s Leading Pharma Giant Suffers Ransomware Attack

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, has recently disclosed an IT security incident. The company, however, reassures its customers and stakeholders that its core systems have not been compromised.

The pharma giant acknowledged that an IT security incident (Ransomware attack) took place. The details of the security incident have not been made public, but Sun Pharma has stated that it is currently working closely with cybersecurity experts and law enforcement authorities to investigate the matter further. The company’s priority is to safeguard its customers’ and partners’ data, as well as to maintain the integrity of its operations.

Read also: The Biggest Healthcare Breach Shows that Cybersecurity in Healthcare Matters

The incident has sparked discussions about the importance of cybersecurity in the pharmaceutical industry. As companies in this sector manage sensitive data and critical supply chain delivery models, any disruption or breach could have severe consequences.

Did you know?

More than 92% of leading pharma companies have exposed databases and platforms.

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Image Credit: PR Newswire

The IT security incident at Sun Pharma serves as a stark reminder for organizations in the healthcare and pharmaceutical sector to continuously evaluate and strengthen their security measures. Companies must work proactively to prevent potential cyber threats and protect the sensitive patient data i.e. Patient Health Information (PHI) they handle.

Read also: A Leading French Hospital Paralyzed by $10M Ransomware Attack

Experts believe the involvement of a Ransomware group behind the incident, which resulted in the compromise of specific file systems, as well as the theft of particular corporate and personal data, according to the pharmaceutical company.(Source: Zee Business)

In the meantime, Sun Pharma has assured its customers and partners that it remains committed to providing the highest quality of products and services. The company will continue to closely monitor the situation and update stakeholders as the investigation unfolds.

Sun Pharma Breach: A Wake-Up Call for All the Pharmas

Numerous factors make pharma organizations and healthcare providers attractive targets for cybercriminals. The primary motivation is the ability to access sensitive patient information and intellectual property/digital assets. It is crucial that these organizations prioritize cybersecurity and arm themselves with appropriate security resources and expertise. In the current digital age, cybercriminals see an abundance of opportunities, and a weakly secured endpoint or vulnerability is all they need to infiltrate a pharma or healthcare organization.

Futurism suggests the following cybersecurity practices/measures to prevent such attacks:

  • Robust Cyber Security Strategy: Cybersecurity should be a critical topic in boardroom discussions. Pharma companies ought to acknowledge the necessity for a comprehensive cyber strategy, with a focus on preventive and proactive approaches such as cyber assessments, cyber incident response, etc.

  • Zero Trust: In a Deloitte research report, 70% of surveyed pharmaceutical companies revealed they had already initiated efforts to deploy a Zero Trust Security Model, integrating network, data, and access elements. This validates a substantial advancement in strengthening and expanding cyber defense layers.

  • Threat Intelligence: In response to the growing number of attacks targeting pharmaceutical and healthcare organizations around the world, numerous pharma companies are investing in advanced threat intelligence solutions to prevent sophisticated and advanced attack vectors and tactics.

  • Security Awareness: A Verizon data breach report indicates that 22% of cyber incidents can be traced back to lapses in internal procedures and lack of cybersecurity awareness. Pharmaceutical organizations ought to implement awareness sessions and evaluate their effectiveness through mock phishing exercises.

  • Get Expert Help: Getting assistance from a reputable managed security service provider is an excellent move to combat cyber attacks. Futurism helps healthcare providers in enhancing their security posture by equipping them with the right layers of security resources and defense mechanisms. Our managed security services suite is tailored for pharma and healthcare organizations, enabling them to harness the capabilities of top-tier security technology (IBM Threat Intelligence) within a Zero Trust Security Framework, ensuring robust defense against emerging and novel cyber threats.

The Sun Pharma incident serves as a significant wake-up call for pharma companies worldwide, emphasizing the need for prioritizing cybersecurity. Cybercriminals know that many pharma and healthcare organizations rely on outdated technology and often lack the necessary security expertise. This is why cybersecurity is the most integral aspect of business continuity for pharma companies.

Disclaimer: All the views and opinions expressed in this article are those of their respective web authors and sources and in no way reflect the views, objectives, or principles of Futurism Technologies.

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Futurism Technologies is a trusted Digital Transformation (DX) advisor and consulting partner helping businesses around the world to unlock the true value of digital for the last two decades. One of the fastest-growing global digital transformation companies with offices across continents including North America, Europe, the Gulf, Asia, and Australia, Futurism delivers 360-degree Digital Transformation solutions to enterprises of all sizes and verticals. We have been helping enterprises leverage advanced technologies with our tested DX solutions. Futurism takes great pride in helping businesses realize the true potential of digital by helping them leverage the most from coming-of-age technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), 5G, IoT, Data Science/Big Data, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, Mobility, Product Engineering, Cloud, and more.

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