5 Reasons Your Website Traffic Is Down and You Are Losing Leads and Customers

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Futurism Technologies

April 20, 2022 - 1.2K
5 Min Read

5 Reasons Your Website Traffic Is Down and You Are Losing Leads and Customers

Websites exist for visitors to visit, but visits can mean different things for different websites.

For example, for a media site, website traffic can be an income source through advertisements, whereas for an eCommerce or retailer site, web traffic translates to sales. Irrespective of what your site sells or offers, the influx of web traffic is undoubtedly an integral part of your digital presence.

Digitization has made every business reconsider their approach to marketing, and look for professional digital marketing services that can help fill the gap for them. Every business wants to be on the first page of search engines, which leads to website traffic. The more visitors you have, the more opportunities you have to promote your brand, build relationships, and eventually sell your service or product successfully. This is why a sudden drop in website traffic is worrisome.

Domain age, author’s reputation, amount and type of referrals (incoming links), social media strategy, and content, all play a pivotal role here.

Here are five areas that businesses frequently overlook.

1. Not enough consistent website visits

If your site isn’t drawing people in the first place, it will appear to be losing traffic once the initial “buzz” has worn off. Following are some common causes of poor website traffic:

  • Your website is only a few months old
  • Basic SEO mistakes
  • Lack of quality and relevant content
  • You aren’t promoting your website on social media

Search engines have improved their ability and algorithm to recognize quality content on websites. Thus, if your content is substandard and the site is of poor quality, chances of ranking high in search engine result pages (SERPs) and getting traffic are very low. This is why most businesses opt for expert digital marketing services to deal with website traffic issues.

Following are few aspects that can help drive visitors to your website:

  • It must satisfy all SEO content requirements
  • It should be unbiased and well-researched

2. Google algorithm update

It’s common for search engines (e.g., Google, Yahoo, etc.) to release an algorithm update at regular intervals of time. For example, the most recent modifications have included enhancements that assist Google in better interpreting queries, indexing problems, and the designation of all non-HTTPS sites as “not secure.” Search engines continually lay out new methods to improve user results but they don’t always publicize what they’re going to do, or even what they’ve done.

Ensuring that the content on your website stays in sync with all the recent algorithms update would help in maintaining steady site traffic.

3. Unsecure website

To push all website owners toward secure, encrypted connections, search engines label all non-HTTPS (aka non-secure) websites as “Not Secure.” Although moving to HTTPS requires more effort than other ranking variables, it is well worth the effort. It helps develop trust you can develop with customers by providing a secure site.

More than 50% of online consumers have little or no trust in online stores when it comes to data privacy. People will simply quit visiting a site if they deem your website as unsecure believing that you aren’t serious about protecting their personal and financial information. This will result in a dip in site traffic.

4. Page speed

According to a Search Engine Journal’s survey, 70% of customers say site speed influences their purchasing decisions. Site speed and performance are something to keep an eye on if your site traffic suddenly drops. The slower your site renders for visitors, the lower your search ranks, which might lead to a decrease in site traffic. Even if users find their way to your website, a majority of them will depart in no time.

Even if your customers continue to use your website despite its sluggish performance, your brand has already suffered a setback. Further issues may result in increased bounce rates and eventually, moving to your competitor’s website. This will decrease your present conversion rate making it more difficult to fetch new customers in future. That’s why businesses should employ a good digital marketing services partner or company to help with page optimization and speed issues.

5. Mobile-first indexing

Today, search engines primarily look at the mobile version of websites for content indexing and ranking. This is called mobile-first indexing.

Mobile-friendly websites are meant to work the same across all types of devices: desktops, tablets, laptops, and mobile devices. The only difference is, that no matter which device you access the site on, it looks the same; there is no change in the layout, text, images, etc.

Though it’s best to have both, a responsive, as well as a mobile-friendly website, the key to keeping web traffic high, is to make sure that your website is mobile-friendly.


Every website’s goal is to get visitors through search engines, social networking sites, direct visits, and so on. There are billions of Internet users worldwide, and while you read this, thousands of individuals are searching for information or interacting on social media platforms. The fact that none of them (or only a few of them) visit your website indicates that you are doing something incorrectly. This could be related to any of the reasons listed above. Our web analytics and digital marketing experts can help you drive consistent website traffic, optimize your site performance, and secure your site.

Futurism Technologies is a full-service digital marketing services provider helping organizations across the United States, Canada, Germany, Australia, and the UK with a range of digital marketing needs including SEO services, PPC, Social Media, ORM, eCommerce marketing, marketing automation, content marketing services, and more.

To know more about our performance-driven digital marketing services give us a call at +1 (732) 377-3717 or drop a note here.

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